BP Doctors a Press Photo
The Story
BP needs better PR advice. A company spokesperson admitted to altering a photo of their Houston crisis center. Photos were added where video feeds were blank.
Read more here. Image source.
Discussion Starters
- BP denies any sinister intent and blames a photographer. What do you think? No harm done?
- What about other altered photos? Here's a fun tour of altered photos through history. Take a look a few recent ones. What about this President Obama photo-turned-Economist cover? Or this model, whose altered image was banned in the UK by the Advertising Standards Authority?
- This Dove video became viral on YouTube very quickly. Why would a company like Dove post a video like this? How does this help their "Campaign for Real Beauty"?
Assignment Ideas
- Use Photoshop or another program to edit graphics and try to alter an image. See if you can do a more professional job than BP's photographer.
- Look at photos in your favorite magazine. How do you think they may have been altered? Discuss with a partner how changing a photo for a cover, article, or advertisement may affect your perspective.
- As you plan your next presentation with visual support, think about what photos or other graphics you can alter to enhance your message. What alterations could be misleading for your audience?