Business Communication and Character

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A Handwritten Job Ad

Advertising agency Solve has a new-and old-way of inviting interns to apply for jobs. In a handwritten letter posted around college campuses, Solve asks interns to submit a traditional cover letter and resume by mail. Emphasizing "genuine connections" and a "personal, straightforward" approach, the agency describes its rationale:

"Valuing substance over silliness, Solve refuses to ask candidates to condense resumes into 140 characters, present themselves via fake campaign or funny videos, or answer irrelevant nonsensical questions. Rather, Solve is simply asking for a resume and cover letter…to be sent (via mail) to the agency."

Solve 2

Discussion Starters:

  • What's your view of the agency's campaign: refreshing, as gimmicky as a tweet, or something else?
  • I'm having trouble reading the letter. Is it just me?
  • The letter asks prospective interns to mail in their cover letter and resume. Would you submit something typed or handwritten?
  • The letter has a fairly major grammatical error. Can you find it?