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Age Distribution of Social Network Users

A new Business Insider report shows the age distribution of social network users. Unfortunately, only those 18 and older are included in this graphic. 

Social Network ages

Social networks around images continue to increase in popularity. Instagram now outpaces Facebook as teens' "most important" social network: 32% compared to 14%. Forty-two percent of women online use Pinterest. 

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest continue to attract older demographics. According to comScore quoted by Business Insider, "Less than two-fifths of Facebook's adult user base in the US is aged 18 to 34." 

Image source

Discussion Starters: 

  • Why are so few users aged 18 to 24 on Twitter? And yet the site seems to be more popular with pre-teens. Why? 
  • What, if anything, surprises you about the data?
  • How should businesses respond to this information?