Starbucks' Sustainability Commitment
Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson published a statement of the company’s commitment to sustainability, outlining several new initiatives. Johnson explains the rationale for the commitment, what the company has already done, and what plans are in place for the future.
The message lists three “preliminary targets” for 2030:
A 50% reduction in carbon emissions in our direct operations and supply chain.
50% of our water withdrawal for direct operations and coffee production will be conserved or replenished with a focus on communities and basins with high water risk.
A 50% reduction in waste sent to landfill from stores and manufacturing, driven by a broader shift toward a circular economy. To underscore this commitment, we are pleased to join Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, setting ambitious circular targets for our packaging.
Analyze the statement: the audience, communication objectives, organization, writing style, etc. What works well, and what could be improved? Why is “preliminary targets” italicized?
How well does the company meet its communication objectives with this message?
How, if at all, does this message change your perception of Starbucks?