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WHO Official Bungles Interview

World Health Organization (WHO) senior adviser Bruce Alyward wanted to avoid a reporter’s question about Taiwan becoming a member of the organization. A video of the interview shows an awkward exchange, with Alyward remaining silent (but we still see him moving and hear sounds), saying “Sorry, I couldn’t hear your question,” asking the reporter to move onto another question, and then, finally, ending the call. During a follow-up call, Alyward refers to China and then abruptly ends the call.

Taiwan has had good success in controlling COVID-19, and the government claims to have warned the WHO back in December 2019 about the contagion.

As of today, Alyward’s name is removed from WHO’s website listing advisers to the organization.


  • What is a better way for Alyward to have handled the reporter’s question?

  • Why do you think the WHO ignored warnings from the Taiwanese government?