

About This Site

I started this blog in 2010 because I was spending a lot of time searching for company examples to bring into my classes and wanted to make it easier for other instructors to do the same. I find students much more engaged when they see the relevance of what we teach with real, current messages from real companies.

My intent is provide start discussion points and examples. During class discussions or in assignments, students can analyze how well messages meet communication objectives and to what extent leaders demonstrate character.

About Amy Newman

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From 2004 until 2021, as a faculty member in the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, I had the pleasure of teaching thousands of students to improve their communication skills. I taught courses in business writing, persuasive communication, corporate communication, organizational behavior, and management communication, and served as the director of Grand Challenges @Dyson,

I also developed several eCornell courses that are part of the Servant Leadership, Corporate Communication, Public Relations Strategy certificates.

Before joining Cornell, I worked as an internal manager and external consultant at Canon, Reuters, Scholastic, The New York Times, and other companies.

My two textbooks are Business Communication and Character (11e, forthcoming, Cengage Learning) and Building Leadership Character (Sage Publishing).

Email: amynewman[at]cornell.edu