Business Communication and Character

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"Latinx" Is Out

One downside of writing a textbook is how quickly things change between editions. In Business Communication and Character, 11th edition, I followed the American Psychological Association (APA)’s advice and other sources to describe Latinx as a gender-neutral term. That may have been a blip in time.

In a poignant opinion on the topic, a journalist and author wrote:

“As a Los Angeles-born son of Mexican immigrants, I prefer Latino to Hispanic, a federal bureaucratic invention. Folks can call themselves any damned fool thing they want, but the people who coin terms like Latinx don’t get how language naturally develops and evolves. It spontaneously bubbles up from the street over time and is seldom handed down from the ivory tower or the tony streets of Santa Monica.”

I regret the decision and stand guilty of following primarily academic sources.

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