Apple's Anti-Leak Social Media Policy Gets Leaked

Although many social media policies are available online, until yesterday, Apple's was not. Last month, an Apple employee was fired ("sacked" to the British) for Facebook posts that the company claimed violated its social media policy. Now, that internal policy has mysteriously been leaked.  Sm policy

One analysis of Apple's policy compliments the conclusion, which is sound advice for anyone:

In sum, use your best judgment. Remember there may be consequences to what you post or publish online including discipline if you engage in conduct that Apple deems inappropriate or violates any Apple policies. If you're about to post something and you are concerned whether you are following these guidelines or any Apple policy, please discuss it with your Leader or HR before posting.

But the attorney takes issue with what the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) may call the right to concerted activity:

Respect the privacy of your coworkers. Blogs, wikis, social networks and other tools should not be used for internal communications among fellow employees. It is fine for Apple employees to disagree, but please don't use your external blog or other online social media to air your differences.

Recent cases brought by the NLRB have criticized employers for terminating employees who may be engaging in protected concerted activity (or the right to organize). Read about an NLRB case. Image source. 

Discussion Starters:

  • Compare Apple's policy to another available online. What differences do you notice, and how do you account for them?
  • What was the policy where you worked recently? Did you find that people generally followed the policy or worked around it in some way?