Ferguson Police Chief's Video Apology

It's a little late, but Chief of Police Thomas Jackson apologized to the family of Michael Brown, the teenager who was shot on August 9, 2014. Wearing casual clothes rather than a police uniform, Jackson spoke to the camera to deliver his message.  

Jackson explained, "The reason we did a taped statement was because there was a lot that I wanted to say, and I wanted to make sure that it was clear. It's harder to do these things out in public." In the message, Jackson acknowledged public mistrust, which some say is irreparable.

Critics on Twitter and Rev. Al Sharpton weren't impressed.

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Rev. Sharpton said the response was "too little, too late."

About the delay, Jackson said that he had been wanting to speak with Brown's parents directly for some time. And about his choice of clothes, Jackson said, "It's just me."

Discussion Starters:

  • Consider Jackson's options for an apology. Consider the audience, objectives, timing, medium choice, and so on.
  • What's your view of the apology video? How do you think the family responded?