Alex Rodriguez Apologizes. Again.

After a season leave from baseball, Alex Rodriguez will rejoin the Yankees. Rodriguez was suspended for a record 162 games for using performance-enhancing drugs. On its website, the Yankees refers to his "involvement with Biogenesis and performance-enhancing drugs." 

In a handwritten letter, Rodriguez apologizes to the league, his team, the Steinbrenner family, the Players Association, and his fans. The first paragraph of his letter is below, and the rest is here.

Alex Rodriguez letter

During a news conference in 2009, Rodriguez blames his youth. 

The news comes at almost the same time cyclist Lance Armstrong is ordered to pay $10 million, the largest settlement for using performance-enhancing drugs. I'm not holding my breath for an apology. 

Discussion Starters: 

  • Assess the apology letter. Why did Rodriguez choose to hand write the letter? How is it organized? Is it sufficient?
  • Watch the news conference from 2009. What communication strategies does Rodriguez use?