More Jargon to Banish
/Once a year or so, I write about business clichés and jargon. This infographic, generated by GoToMeeting is a good summary of perhaps the worst examples heard in companies recently.
Here are some of my favorites (to avoid, that is):
- Content is king (Who's the queen?)
- Game change, par for the course, and other sports references I don't understand
- With all due respect, which usually indicates no respect at all
- Do more with less, a.k.a. work harder for less pay
- Open the kimono, which has both sexual and racial overtones.
Discussion Starters:
- What's the value of business jargon? It's not all bad.
- Compare these 50 to those in Chapter 5 of the textbook. Which are most and least familiar to you?
- Do you find any of the terms offensive?