Did Ann Coulter Go Too Far?
/ Have we had enough of customer complaints about airlines? The social media tenor seems to be trending in that direction, at least in the case of Ann Coulter and Delta Airlines.
Author and media personality Ann Coulter paid $30 for a seat with more legroom but was "inadvertently" moved as the airline shuffled seats to accommodate other passengers. Coulter tweeted several attacks on the airline, including a couple about other passengers: the one at right and, in another tweet, "Immigrants take American jobs (& seats on @Delta)."
Delta promised to refund Coulter's $30 and pushed back on her insults. In tweets and in a statement, the company admitted confusion:
We are sorry that the customer did not receive the seat she reserved and paid for. More importantly, we are disappointed that the customer has chosen to publicly attack our employees and other customers by posting derogatory and slanderous comments and photos in social media. Her actions are unnecessary and unacceptable.
Each of our employees is charged with treating each other as well as our customers with dignity and respect. And we hold each other accountable when that does not happen.
Delta expects mutual civility throughout the entire travel experience.
We will refund Ms. Coulter's $30 for the preferred seat on the exit row that she purchased.
Brandwatch assessed sentiment on social media and found more negative responses to Coulter than to Delta.
- Do you find yourself sympathizing more with the airline or with Coulter? Why?
- How does the timing (moving her seat within 24 hours of the flight) affect your response, if at all?
- Where did Coulter perhaps cross a line? Read more tweets here.
- How well did Delta handle the situation? What, if anything, should the airline have done differently on social media or in the statement?