Hyundai Commercial NSFW or the Netherlands

A car with three doors? The Hyundai Velostar looks like a coupe and boasts a "functional 3rd door," according to the website description. In an odd twist, a commercial promoting the Velostar emphasizes the door, yet was banned by Hyundai's head office for its explicit content. Critics say that the commercial was designed to be viral and that the ban is simply part of the marketing plan. 

It is an interesting question: the third door is not listed among the Velostar's safety features, apparently the main point of the commercial.

Discussion Starters:

  • Do you consider the commercial too explicit for American TV? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that pulling the ad was a planned marketing ploy by Hyundai -- or a genuine reaction to the commercial?
  • What ethics are involved in this situation? Is the commercial ethical? If Hyundai planned for the video to be banned and viral, is that ethical?