Employer Backlash: "I will never hire a Penn Stater"
/Among the many online letters to the editor of Penn State's Daily Collegian is a sharp backlash from a potential employer. Some worry that Penn State students may have difficulty finding jobs because of the recent sexual abuse scandal and riots.
In an open letter on Penn State's website, the senior director of career services provides guidance to students during the job search and encourages employers to keep an open mind.
Discussion Starters:
- Do you agree with employers who may resist hiring Penn State students? Why or why not?
- What is the best way for Penn State students to address questions from prospective employers? Do you find Jeff Garvis's advice in the letter helpful?
- In Garvis's letter, which arguments do you find most and least convincing for employers?
- If you look closely at Garvis's letter, you see what look like font changes within the paragraph that starts "Students may acknowledge." [Download] If these are editorial changes, why do you think they were made? Do they improve the message?