New SAE Statement

The national fraternity of Sigma Alpha Epsilon has issued a new statement about the racist chant caught on video at the University of Oklahoma.

At first, the national organization denied any connection: "...the national fraternity does not teach such a racist, hateful chant, and this chant is not part of any education or training." But an Oklahoma university report identified the source: 

"It was learned by chapter members on a national leadership cruise sponsored by the national organization of Sigma Alpha Epsilon," the university said in a brief report on the results of its inquiry into the episode. "Over time, the chant was formalized in the local S.A.E. chapter and was taught to pledges as part of the formal and informal pledgeship process."

In a new statement, SAE accepts the university's conclusion and promises its own investigation. 


Fraternity Confirms Chant was Shared at Past Leadership Meeting

EVANSTON, IL – The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity (SAE) on Friday confirmed members of its former University of Oklahoma chapter likely learned a racist chant while attending a national Leadership School about four years ago.

However, Executive Director Blaine Ayers said the organization has no current evidence that the chant is widespread across the fraternity's 237 groups. Ayers said SAE continues its in-depth investigation of its chapters.

"We remain committed to identifying and rooting out racist behavior from SAE, and we are actively investigating all of our local organizations to determine whether there are issues in any other location," Ayers said. "We intend to conduct a thorough and complete investigation, and this will take time. However, we will share the results of our investigation when it is complete. Our current findings at the University of Oklahoma are similar to those announced on Friday by University of Oklahoma President David Boren. But our investigation to date shows no evidence the song was widely shared across the broader organization."

Ayers said he contacted Boren on Friday to acknowledge the university's investigation and to assure Boren that Sigma Alpha Epsilon is continuing its own investigation.

SAE invites hundreds of leaders annually to a six-day leadership retreat, where participants attend classes, seminars and other educational functions throughout the day and evening. While attendees have little social time, there are occasions when participants can gather socially.

Ayers said it is likely that during one of these social gatherings, some members shared the racist song that was recorded on video at the University of Oklahoma and shared through social media earlier this month.

SAE closed its Oklahoma Kappa chapter immediately after seeing the video and subsequently announced a four-point initiative – including an anonymous hotline, mandatory online sensitivity training, the hiring of a diversity-and-inclusion officer and the appointment of a national advisory panel on diversity and inclusion – to eradicate racism and other forms of discrimination from the fraternity.

SAE WP"The song is horrific and does not at all reflect our values as an organization," said Ayers. "If we find any other examples of this kind of behavior currently occurring, we will hold our members accountable, just as we've done in Oklahoma."

On its Facebook page, SAE posted a picture and link to a Washington Post article about a diverse chapter at Midwestern State University. The fraternity also gave a news conference about its diversity initiatives. 

Discussion Starters: 

  • Assess the tone, organization, and content of SAE's statement. 
  • Do you believe the national organization's claim that the chant isn't widespread? 
  • What's your view of the Washington Post article? How is it helpful and harmful to SAE's image? 

Germanwings' Communications About Flight Crash

A New York Times article, although still controversial, surmised the cause of the Germanwings flight crash over the French alps. Black box communications indicate that the plane colot barricaded himself into the cockpit to intentionally destroy the plane.

Updates on the Germanwings website have been steady since the crash was reported, with the most recent statement acknowledging reports of the colot's intention.

  Germanwings statement

The home page of the website focuses on the incident. Simple text and no graphics appropriately reflect the severity of the situation.


In a news conference, a French investigator concludes that the colot is to blame. 

Discussion Starters:

  • Assess messages from Germanwings. What works well about their statements, and what could be improved?
  • The search continues for a second black box. What else, if anything, should the airline communicate at this point?

Announcing the Kraft Heinz Company

Kraft HeinzH.J. Heinz and Kraft Foods Group will combine into one big company. A press release describes the merger agreement:

PITTSBURGH and NORTHFIELD, Ill., March 25, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- H.J. Heinz Company and Kraft Foods Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: KRFT) today announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement to create The Kraft Heinz Company, forming the third largest food and beverage company in North America with an unparalleled portfolio of iconic brands.

Under the terms of the agreement, which has been unanimously approved by both Heinz and Kraft's Boards of Directors, Kraft shareholders will own a 49% stake in the combined company, and current Heinz shareholders will own 51% on a fully diluted basis. Kraft shareholders will receive stock in the combined company and a special cash dividend of $16.50 per share. The aggregate special dividend payment of approximately $10 billion is being fully funded by an equity contribution by Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital.

The proposed merger creates substantial value for Kraft shareholders. The special cash dividend payment represents 27% of Kraft's closing price as of March 24, 2015. Also, by continuing to own shares of the new combined company, Kraft shareholders will have the opportunity to participate in the new company's long-term value creation potential.

A Reuters article explains the value of combining the companies: "Food industry experts see Kraft benefiting from Heinz's international presence, which generates more than 60 percent of its sales." The new company will address "sluggish demand" by offering more "organic or less processed" foods.

A Wall Street Journal article describes the cost-cutting plans, including losing "hundreds of management jobs."

The move will put several powerful brands under one umbrella. Of course, the jokes have started, such as the Facebook page, "Putting ketchup on your Mac and Cheese."

Source image.

Discussion Starters:

  • Read the press release. How would you describe the key messages?
  • What differences do you notice among the press release, Reuters article, and Wall Street Journal article? In other words, how do the companies' messages differ from what the press is reporting about the merger?

Sugarloaf Ski Lift Accident

Seven people were injured on a ski lift at Sugarloaf in Maine. The company has been providing updates on its website

Sugarloaf Media Room

The third update revises the number of injured to seven, explains what a "rollback" is (when the chair lift goes backwards), describes the mechanics of the lift, and of course, expresses primary concern for the guests, 204 of whom were evacuated: 

"Our first concern is with the guests who were injured and all of those who were impacted by the incident at the resort today," Sugarloaf spokesman Ethan Austin said. "Our staff is working with the Tramway Board on a thorough investigation, and we are committed to understanding the full cause of today's incident."  

On Twitter, the company posted only the tweet: 

Sugarloaf tweet
Discussion Starters: 

  • Read Sugarloaf's original media release and latest update. I find the tone a bit "boilerplate" and flat. Do you agree? 
  • What else, if anything, should Sugarloaf post on social media sites? 

American Airlines Refuses Refund for Parents of Deceased Child

American AirWhen a family tragically lost their nine-year-old daughter, they wanted to cash in their American Airline tickets for the vacation they had planned. But the airline refused.

The Cantrells' trip was just five months after Madison "Scout" died from an asthma attack. Her 13-year-old sister, Katie, didn't want to travel to their annual beach destination because it would be too painful. They requested a refund through the Airlines' online system and received a denial letter:

"After reviewing the documentation submitted, it has been determined the request does not meet our exception requirements. The ticket purchased is non-refundable so we cannot offer a refund, issue a travel voucher, or transfer this ticket to another person. The ticket will remain valid in our system for one year from the original date of issue, at which time it will expire and all value will be lost. [...] As a one-time courtesy, authorization was documented in your reservation to waive the change fee assessed when a non-refundable ticket is changed. [...] Your new ticket will be subject to any additional collection, if necessary, as governed by the applicable fares and fare rules in effect at that time."

The "Gulliver Business Travel" section of the Economist explains what happened next:

"By now, Gulliver readers will be able to predict with weary certainty what happened next. Which makes it all the more incredible that American failed to spot the inevitable chain of events that would follow. The mother posted the letter on Facebook, social media poured opprobrium on the airline for its heartlessness, and the carrier swiftly backtracked. As soon it started to feel the heat, American announced that it had apologised and would refund the Cantrells. But not before its reputation, such as it is, had already taken a shoeing."

According to The Consumerist, the decision is inconsistent with the airline's own policy:

"Nonrefundable tickets generally cannot be refunded. However, exceptions may be available under the following circumstances: Death of the passenger, immediate family member, or travelling companion."

Eventually, American Airlines came around:

"We extend our deepest sympathies to the Cantrell family on the loss of their daughter. We fully refunded [her] ticket last night and apologized to [the family] for not doing so immediately when she first contacted us."

Image source.

Discussion Starters:

  • How do you think the original decision to deny the refund happened, particularly if it's inconsistent with the airlines' own policy? 
  • The Cantrell family say they heard about the refund from news sources before they were informed by the airline. Why do you think American would handle the decision in this way? Was it the right move?
  • Assess the airlines' apology statement. Should the company say more, or does this suffice?

Cancer PSA Shows Lumps in the Road

Cancer Research UK created a clever public service announcement to show how people ignore potentially cancerous lumps on their bodies. The group hired creative effects company Artem to design and build the lumps, which they managed in just three weeks.  

The video shows people on a busy street walking around and ignoring a lump as it grows in the sidewalk. At the end, we see the text, "It's easy to ignore something, especially when we're busy. But spotting cancer sooner could save your life."

Artem's portfolio chronicles the company's creativity and diverse work. After 12 days, the YouTube video shows about 90,500 views.

Discussion Starters: 

  • How would you measure the success of this campaign? What metrics would be appropriate? Consider the costs as well as the benefits. 
  • What's your view of the PSA? In what ways do you find it effective and ineffective?

Apple Apologizes for Outage

Apple has apologized for a major outage that lasted several hours. Users couldn't access iTunes or the App Store from 5 a.m. and during most of the day. Outages were reported in the United States, U.K., Switzerland, and Spain. 

Apple issued this statement to CNBC

"We apologize to our customers experiencing problems with iTunes and other services this morning. The cause was an internal DNS error at Apple. We're working to make all of the services available to customers as soon as possible, and we thank everyone for their patience."

As of 5:27 p.m., Apple's service status page showed all systems operating normally. 

Discussion Starters: 

  • Assess Apple's apology considering principles from Chapters 1 and 5 about slang, jargon, and so on. 
  • Initially, people thought the problem was caused by a server outage. How would this, if at all, have affected Apple's statement? 

McDonald's Limits Antibiotic Use in Chickens

8-MCDONALDS-blog427Until now, McDonald's approach has been, yes, to offer some healthier menu items, but more so, to promote their current food. John Oliver poked fun at the company's ad campaign, "Our Food, Your Questions":

"There's something a little suspicious about the way that they're celebrating the fact that their food is made out of food."  

This week, McDonald's is taking real action: limiting the antibiotics that are used in chickens. Steve Easterbrook just took over as CEO on March 1 after a 12-year history with McDonald's in the U.K. According to The New York Times, this is Easterbrook's "first major act": 

"Mr. Easterbrook's first major act as C.E.O. was to announce that within two years all the chicken served at its restaurants would be free of antibiotics, or at least those antibiotics also used in humans. It was a big move for McDonald's, which is one of the biggest buyers of chicken, and one that pleased health officials who see overuse of antibiotics in animal husbandry - and the resulting antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria - as a serious threat to human health."

The company hopes Easterbrook will turn around failing McDonald's restaurants throughout the world as he did in the U.K. This Business Insider chart of same-store sales shows that the company has work to do.

McD same store sales

 Image source. Chart source.

Discussion Starters: 

  • Assess McDonald's announcement about antibiotics. What effect do you think this will have on suppliers, consumers, and investors? 
  • Easterbook declined comment for The New York Times article. Why would he decline, and is this a good move?
  • What other communications or actions should the company take to restore the image and increase revenue?

Warren Buffett's Letters

Warren Buffett AnnotatedReuters, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post covered Warren Buffett's most recent letter to shareholders. The Journal's fascination is evident in its annotated version of the letter and its description of the excitement: 

"Warren Buffett's annual letter to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway, released Saturday, is always pored over for investing smarts, hints at who might succeed him, and folksy wisdom about life and business.

"This year's 50th-anniversary edition didn't disappoint. It offered readers a breezy and informative waltz through the history of conglomerates, and aphorisms such as "never underestimate the man who overestimates himself." It even included advice to get the giant root beer float for dessert at Piccolo's, if you happen to be in Omaha for the annual meeting that marks Buffett's 50th year at the helm. ('Only sissies get the small one,' he wrote.)"

The Journal also summarized a few leadership lessons from the letter, including these:

  • Admit your mistakes and stay humble.
  • Shower people who work for you with praise.
  • Character is crucial. 

Buffett's previous annual letters are logged on Berkshire Hathaway's website.

Discussion Starters: 

  • Explain the fascination with Buffett's letters. 
  • Read the latest or an older letter. Describe the tone, messages, and organization. What are the communication objectives? Did Buffett achieve them? 

No More Elephants at the Circus

Ringling ElephantRingling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey won't include elephants in their circus performances after 2018. The company announced a plan to phase out its 43 animals, some say because of pressure from consumer and animal rights groups, while others point to the increasing costs of maintaining each elephant: $65,000 per year. 

Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said, "These are complex, intelligent animals, and this is a lousy, lousy, dirty, cruel business, and people see that. This was purely a business decision." 

 A press release on the company's website says that the elephants will join other animals at the Elephant Conservation Center

"The Feld Family, owners of Feld Entertainment, Inc., the parent company of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey®, announced plans today to remove Asian elephants from their traveling circus performances. Under the plan, 13 elephants currently traveling with the three Ringling Bros. circus units will be relocated to the Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant for Conservation® in Florida by 2018. There they will join the rest of the Ringling Bros. herd of more than 40 elephants."

Later in the release, the company mentions "changing consumer preferences": 

"'Our family has been the proud steward of the American institution that is Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, and our elephants, for 45 years. It is a legacy that we hold near and dear to our hearts, and as producers of The Greatest Show On Earth, we feel we have a responsibility to preserve the esteemed traditions that everyone expects from a Ringling Bros. performance while striving to keep the show fresh and contemporary for today's families,' said Nicole Feld and Alana Feld, Ringling Bros. producers and Executive Vice Presidents with Feld Entertainment. 'As the circus evolves, we can maintain our focus on elephant conservation while allowing our business to continue to meet shifting consumer preferences,' they added."

Image source

Discussion Starters: 

  • How well does the company's press release explain the move? 
  • What do you think is the motivation behind the change? 
  • What can SeaWorld learn from the news?

American Airlines Loses Lots of Luggage

American Airlines mishandled luggage-and customer complaints. International Business Times joked that MIA is the code for the Miami airport and now lost luggage as well.

The airline blames the mistake on a technical issue: the conveyor belts weren't working properly, so luggage wasn't loaded onto the plane. Passengers weren't notified until flights landed.

AA tweet

At other airports, travelers report being on hold for an hour and waiting in line for 45 minutes before learning about their lost luggage. 

"We waited another 45 minutes to see a customer service agent to file our locator claim. That was the frustrating part -- American Airlines didn't say anything. You think they would tell us so we're not waiting. We wasted a good hour and a half."

American Airlines representative Joshua Freed gave this statement:

"The system was back online this afternoon and we are working to reunite those bags with our passengers. Should a customer have a question about their delayed bag, they can work with the baggage service office at their destination or call 1-800-535-5225."

Discussion Starters: 

  • Should American Airlines have told passengers about the missing luggage before they boarded the plane, during the flight, or only when they landed? Consider the consequences of each. 
  • What else, if anything, should the company do or say at this point? 

Starwood CEO Leaves the Company

Starwood CEOFrits van Paasschen, Starwood CEO since 2007, has resigned. Board Chair Bruce Duncan focused on execution rather than differences over strategy as the main reason for van Paasschen's departure: "This is not about strategy. . . This is all about execution. We want to do better."

"This is not about strategy. … This is all about execution. We want to do better," - See more at:
"This is not about strategy. … This is all about execution. We want to do better," - See more at:
"This is not about strategy. … This is all about execution. We want to do better," - See more at:
"This is not about strategy. … This is all about execution. We want to do better," - See more at:

In a news release on Starwood's website, the company announced the decision along with a temporary replacement: Adam Aron.

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Makes CEO Change
February 17, 2015

-- Frits van Paasschen Resigns as President, CEO and Director
-- Starwood Director Adam Aron Appointed CEO on Interim Basis
-- Company to Focus on Accelerating Growth and Improving Performance

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE:HOT) today announced that Frits van Paasschen has resigned by mutual agreement with the Board of Directors as President, Chief Executive Officer and a Director. Adam Aron , a Starwood Director since 2006, has been named Chief Executive Officer on an interim basis while the Board conducts a search for a permanent CEO that will include both internal and external candidates. van Paasschen will continue with Starwood as a consultant to assist in the transition. Read more. 

 On a conference call, Aron emphasized his "bias for action" and outlined four steps he'll take:

  • Drive top-line growth through dedicated marketing campaigns;
  • "perform with a high degree of focus and with higher operational excellence";
  • manage costs aggressively; and
  • "(expand) the size of our pipeline and footprints as we seek the objective of higher net rooms growth."

- See more at:

  •  Drive top-line growth through dedicated marketing campaigns
  • "Perform with a high degree of focus and with higher operational excellence"
  • Manage costs aggressively
  • "[Expand] the size of our pipeline and footprints as we seek the objective of higher net rooms growth."

Image source.

Discussion Starters:

  • Assess Starwood's news release. What key messages do you take from the statement? What is not being said?
  • Do you think the company appropriately balanced respect for van Paasschen and plans for the future?

Urban Outfitters: Purposely Offending?

As Kevin Allen of PR Daily says, "It'd be reasonable to think Urban Outfitters is doing this on purpose." Yes, we are beyond the point of forgiveness for an oversight. Most reasonable people would agree that the similarity between Urban Outfitter's new tapestry and the pink triangle uniform given to gays during the Holocaust is too close to be coincidental. 

Urban Outfitters pink triangle

The Anti-Defamation League and B'nai B'rith (in a  letter) have asked Urban Outfitters to remove the product. No word from the company yet.

Urban Outfitters is making a habit of offending. The Week has identified 14 "missteps," and this makes at least the 15th. The Week staff summarizes the issue well:

"Over the years, Urban Outfitters, a store aimed at young hipsters and owned by big-time conservative donor Richard Hayne, has managed to offend blacks, Jews, Native Americans, liberals, conservatives, and eating-disorder awareness groups, among others."

Discussion Starters: 

  • Does this news affect your decision to shop at Urban Outfitters? Why or why not?
  • What, if anything, should the company say at this point? What is there to say, really? 
  • Read the B'nai B'rith  letter. In what ways do you find it convincing-or not?

Alex Rodriguez Apologizes. Again.

After a season leave from baseball, Alex Rodriguez will rejoin the Yankees. Rodriguez was suspended for a record 162 games for using performance-enhancing drugs. On its website, the Yankees refers to his "involvement with Biogenesis and performance-enhancing drugs." 

In a handwritten letter, Rodriguez apologizes to the league, his team, the Steinbrenner family, the Players Association, and his fans. The first paragraph of his letter is below, and the rest is here.

Alex Rodriguez letter

During a news conference in 2009, Rodriguez blames his youth. 

The news comes at almost the same time cyclist Lance Armstrong is ordered to pay $10 million, the largest settlement for using performance-enhancing drugs. I'm not holding my breath for an apology. 

Discussion Starters: 

  • Assess the apology letter. Why did Rodriguez choose to hand write the letter? How is it organized? Is it sufficient?
  • Watch the news conference from 2009. What communication strategies does Rodriguez use? 

Brian Williams Gets Suspended

NBC News president Deborah Turness announced the decision: Brian Williams will be suspended for six months. The suspension comes after a week of controversy about how Williams changed stories over time.

A New York Times article describes the decision-making process at NBC. Several people were consulted, including the highly respected Tom Brokaw, who was news anchor and managing editor before Williams took the position. The article is a window into corporate politics and decision making.

In an email to staff, Turness announced the suspension:

From: Deborah Turness (NBCUniversal)

Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 7:47 PM

To: @NBC Uni NBC News All

Subject: Brian Williams


We have decided today to suspend Brian Williams as Managing Editor and Anchor of NBC Nightly News for six months. The suspension will be without pay and is effective immediately. We let Brian know of our decision earlier today. Lester Holt will continue to substitute Anchor the NBC Nightly News.

Our review, which is being led by Richard Esposito working closely with NBCUniversal General Counsel Kim Harris, is ongoing, but I think it is important to take you through our thought process in coming to this decision.

While on Nightly News on Friday, January 30, 2015, Brian misrepresented events which occurred while he was covering the Iraq War in 2003. It then became clear that on other occasions Brian had done the same while telling that story in other venues. This was wrong and completely inappropriate for someone in Brian's position.

In addition, we have concerns about comments that occurred outside NBC News while Brian was talking about his experiences in the field.

As Managing Editor and Anchor of Nightly News, Brian has a responsibility to be truthful and to uphold the high standards of the news division at all times.

Steve Burke, Pat Fili and I came to this decision together. We felt it would have been wrong to disregard the good work Brian has done and the special relationship he has forged with our viewers over 22 years. Millions of Americans have turned to him every day, and he has been an important and well-respected part of our organization.

As I'm sure you understand, this was a very hard decision. Certainly there will be those who disagree. But we believe this suspension is the appropriate and proportionate action.

This has been a difficult time. But NBC News is bigger than this moment. You work so hard and dedicate yourselves each and every day to the important work of bringing trusted, credible news to our audience. Because of you, your loyalty, your dedication, NBC News is an organization we can – and should - all be proud of. We will get through this together.

Steve Burke asked me to share the following message.

"This has been a painful period for all concerned and we appreciate your patience while we gathered the available facts. By his actions, Brian has jeopardized the trust millions of Americans place in NBC News. His actions are inexcusable and this suspension is severe and appropriate. Brian's life's work is delivering the news. I know Brian loves his country, NBC News and his colleagues. He deserves a second chance and we are rooting for him. Brian has shared his deep remorse with me and he is committed to winning back everyone's trust."


Discussion Starters:

  • Assess Turness' email. What is being said and what isn't? How is the email organized? What works well, and what doesn't?
  • Consider the quotation from Steve Burke, CEO and president of NBCUniversal. Does this belong?
  • Did Turness and the others make the right decision? Why or why not?

Uber's False-Cause Fallacy

A Fast Company report gives us a great example of a false-cause fallacy: "Uber Cures Leprosy."

Uber cures leprosy

The video pokes fun at Uber's claim that the service reduced the number of drunk driving incidents. Last year, Uber and MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) announced a partnership that includes donations to the organization. However, a news release by MADD, although complimentary of Uber's service, doesn't imply causation:

"The report released today builds upon a study conducted by Uber in May 2014, which estimated that the entrance of Uber in Seattle coincided with a more than 10% reduction in the number of arrests for DUI. "

On the other hand, Uber's promotional materials do:

"A new report conducted in partnership with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) reveals that when empowered with more transportation options like Uber, people are making better choices that save lives."

Discussion Starters:

  • Is this just a difference in semantics or something more?
  • Is the Fast Company video too critical of Uber?
  • What fallacy does the Fast Company reporter use in comparing Uber's claim to curing leprosy?

How to Make Your Tweets More Persuasive

Tweet-thisResearchers at Cornell University have discovered language that makes tweets more likely to be retweeted. A computer analyzed messages, searching for keywords and combinations of words.

In their article, published in the June 2014 Proceedings of the Association for Computer Linguistics, the authors pose a basic communication question: "How does one make a message 'successful'?" The authors generated this list of recommendations for people wanting more bang for their tweets:

  • Ask people to share. Words like "please," "pls," "plz" and, of course, "retweet" were common in successful messages.
  • Be informative (often measured by length).
  • Use the language of the community, and be consistent with the language you usually use yourself, with which your followers are familiar. The researchers are also testing on Reddit, where users form distinct communities.
  • Imitate the style of newspaper headlines. (In their tests, the researchers used the New York Times as a model.)
  • Use words that appear often in other retweeted messages.
  • Use words that express positive or negative sentiment.
  • Refer to other people, not just yourself. Use third person pronouns.
  • Use generalizations. Statements that can be applied to a variety of situations are the most often repeated.
  • Make it easy to read. The researchers applied a formula used to measure the grade level of a text.

Image source.

Discussion Starters:

  • Does any of this advice surprise you?
  • Do you find some recommendations more helpful than others?
  • What difficulty could you see in implementing these ideas in tweets?

Brian Williams Takes a Hiatus

After days of controversy and speculation, Brian Williams has decided to take a leave from news reporting. Williams, the anchor and managing editor of "NBC Nightly News," has been criticized for inconsistencies in his reporting over time, raising questions about his credibility. 

Williams' reporting of the Iraq War and Hurricane Katrina are being investigated. He apologized this week for saying that, in 2003, he was on a helicopter that was hit by a grenade. His reporting at the time differed and changed during the past 12 years. During Hurricane Katrina, Williams claimed to have seen bodies floating in the French Quarter, but this is now disputed as well his claim to have contracted dysentery. 

In a brief statement posted on the NBC News site, Williams acknowledged the distraction: 

A Personal Note from Brian Williams

In the midst of a career spent covering and consuming news, it has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions.

As Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News, I have decided to take myself off of my daily broadcast for the next several days, and Lester Holt has kindly agreed to sit in for me to allow us to adequately deal with this issue. Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us.

According to The New York Times, the leave may give the NBC executives more time to decide Williams' status with the network. 

Discussion Starters: 

  • What do you make of Williams' reporting on these situations? Keep in mind that memory does change over time. 
  • Did Williams do the right thing by taking a leave from the news? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Consider the potential consequences of staying and leaving.

Twitter CEO Admits Failures in Addressing Cyberbullying

In two internal discussion posts, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo addressed criticism that the company isn't doing enough to stop cyberbulling.

An employee raised the issue by citing Lindy West, a victim of harassment on Twitter:

"I'm aware that Twitter is well within its rights to let its platform be used as a vehicle for sexist and racist harassment. But, as a private company – just like a comedian mulling over a rape joke, or a troll looking for a target for his anger – it could choose not to. As a collective of human beings, it could choose to be better."

In both posts, Costolo's message is clear: "I take full responsibility."

Costolo tweet 1

Costolo tweet 2

Discussion Starters:

  • What do you see as Twitter's responsibility, and what are the limits?
  • What could the company do to prevent or address cyberbullying?

Discussion Starters:

RadioShack Files for Bankruptcy

In sad, but unRadio20shacksurprising news, RadioShack filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company has been struggling for some time and closed 1,110 stores last year.

Now, 2,400 of its 4,000 stores will be sold to General Wireless, an affiliate of its biggest shareholder, Standard General. Under the agreement, Sprint will operate most of those stores. In a news release, RadioShack describes the plan. 

A Wall Street Journal article blames the company for poor decisions. Titled "Strategic Confusion Put RadioShack at Mercy of Lenders," the article says the company "failed to keep up with the changing retail and digital landscape." The company's fate, according to the WSJ, could be worse: Circuit City and Borders were liquidated. 

RadioShack is on its seventh CEO in the past nine years-probably not a fun position.

Image source.

Discussion Starters: 

  • The Yahoo Finance article reports, "A spokesman for Standard General did not respond to a request for comment." Should the company have prepared a statement?
  • Analyze the news release. What works well, and what could be improved?